Category: Beverage

A Surplus of Candy Corn

I have a surplus of candy corn from my candy jars.  Despite the fact that it’s the poster-child-candy for Fall & Halloween, easily substituted for Bat Fangs used in potion stirring spoons~  I have to confess~ I am not a fan of the flavor or texture. . .   { insert gasp here } . . . blasphemous,…

Blue and White Table with Peonies and Menu inspiration from Gone with a Handsomer Man

Join me for a ‘Teeny’ bit of table inspiration from Gone with a Handsomer Man by Michael Lee West. Besides some table inspiration, this book provided me with lots of laughs from the cast of quirky characters, along with some major food cravings. Teeny Templeton, is an out of work pastry chef who cuts her own hair, does her…