Gardening Tidbits: Bunny Battles and Squirrel Wars

Window boxes Potting Shed | © #flowers #garden

I’m sharing some garden tidbits today and hope to sow some seeds of encouragement, positivity and normalcy in my little corner of the blogosphere. I hope you’ll find a little flower therapy encouraging during these unsettling times. I find gardening good for the soul~ you enjoy some sunshine, fresh air, birdsong and at least for a little while, all seems right with the world.

Flowers by the Potting Shed | © #flowers #garden

I’ve been spending most of my spare time in the garden during these uncertain times. Gardening has its rewards, but its not without its challenges!

Garden planters with bunny | © #flowers #garden

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The bunnies and their voracious appetite has been keeping me hopping recently.

Bunny with violas in planter | © #flowers #garden

I feel a little like Mrs. McGregor trying to keep Peter Rabbit and friends out of the flower patch.🌺🌿🐇

Bunny eating sweet potato vine | © #flowers #garden

The bunnies seem to be especially fond of sweet potato vine, coneflower, salvia, the tender new shoots of the daylilies recently planted. . .

Bunny damage in garden | © #flowers #garden

They’ve also been munching on my containers and found the verbena and petunias especially tasty.

Bunny in garden | © #flowers #garden

The Potting Shed sits on footers so it makes an excellent 10 x 16-foot bunny home and shelter.

Bunny eating sweet potato vine | © #flowers #garden

And Peter Rabbit has been telling all his friends about the all-you-can-eat buffet.

Bunny under bench | © #flowers #garden

We picked up some garden fence to make some wire cages that we thought would protect the perennials from being eaten to the ground.

Garden fence to keep bunnies out of perennials | © #flowers #garden

What we didn’t take into account was that the baby bunnies could hop through the 2 inch x 3 inch openings. . .

Bunny eating perennials in garden | © #flowers #garden

I came out the next day and found this baby rabbit happily nibbling away.

My husband jokingly said, “Congratulations, you caught one!” 🐇

Bunny eating perennials in garden | © #flowers #garden

Then he said, “Look on the bright side, as much as he’s eating, he’ll soon be too big to hop through the openings.”

Bunny eating perennials in garden | © #flowers #garden

Time to try a different fence. . .

Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent | © #flowers #garden

 I found Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent at Lowe’s for around $25 for a gallon of ready-to-spray formula. It repels with a safe and natural egg and garlic formula and odor that won’t harm plants or animals. Let me say that it repels me too and you don’t want to hang around after spraying! Once it dries you can’t detect any odor which must not be the case for rabbits and deer.

Bunny in garden | © #flowers #garden

So far it seems to be working! I still see plenty of bunnies but haven’t noticed any more munching on my perennials and pots after applying it. (I can’t speak to deer as we don’t have any, knock wood.) The product information says that Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent withstands up to one inch of rain per week and only needs to be applied once a month. We had over 5 inches of rain within a week and half so I reapplied it after my initial spraying.


We’ve had our share of squirrel wars too. They’ve gnawed their way into the attic, chewed up our boat and dug up the containers.

Squirrel damage planters | © #flowers #garden

Eastern Gray Squirrels can have two litters a year, one in early spring and another in late summer. Every summer I hold my breath to see if they will dig up my window boxes to nest there.

Baby squirrels nesting in watering can | ©

Note to squirrels: You’re welcome to nest in my watering cans . . .just please don’t dig up the flowers.🌼

Window boxes Potting Shed | © #flowers #garden

I discovered last year that not only did they dig up the flowers in my window box, a squirrel ate through the polyethylene material into the irrigation wall of one of the boxes.

Squirrel damage window box | © #flowers #garden

Bad squirrel!

Window box brackets | © #flowers #garden

The window box wall is hollow so I was afraid any water that would accumulate would make the box too heavy for the brackets.

Flex Tape repair for damaged window box | © #flowers #garden

Flex Tape to the rescue for an easy repair!

Flex Tape repair for damaged window box | © #flowers #garden

Flex Tape is a rubberized waterproof tape that we used after some storm damage to fix a roof leak.

Flex Tape repair for damaged window box | © #flowers #garden

It worked as advertised and held up through snow until we could have our roof replaced. I highly recommend it for an easy waterproof patch!

Planting window box for spring | © #flowers #garden

After patching my window box, I planted the boxes with an assortment of sun-loving annuals back in April.

Blood Meal fertilizer and deterrent for squirrels | © #flowers #garden

I read that Blood Meal can work as a scent-based repellent for squirrels, so I sprinkled some on the top of the container among the flowers as a deterrent. As it’s also a fertilizer, so you have to apply with care and follow the package guidelines so you don’t burn your plants. After I purchased the Liquid Fence, I sprayed the boxes with it to see if the rabbit formula will also keep the squirrels away. Of course, frequent watering will reduce it’s potency. I recently saw Liquid Fence also make an all-purpose animal repellent in granular formula to repel squirrels, mice and other small mammals so I’ll be trying that next if all else fails.

Window boxes Potting Shed | © #flowers #garden

Despite my battles with the bunnies and squirrels, I love seeing all the wildlife in the garden. . .the birds, butterflies, bees and bunnies.

Create a Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard | © #garden #flowers #birds #bees #butterflies

Learn how to create and certify your garden as a wildlife habitat, HERE.

Learn how to create and certify your garden as a wildlife habitat | © #flowers #garden

How’s your garden growing?

Bunny with violas in planter | © #flowers #garden

Affliate links are provided below for your convenience. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase anything through an affiliate link, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. 

 Warring with squirrels and how to keep Peter Rabbit out of the flower patch | © #flowers #garden #squirrels #bunnies

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 Between Naps on the Porch


  67 comments for “Gardening Tidbits: Bunny Battles and Squirrel Wars

  1. Natalie Byerly
    June 4, 2020 at 7:26 am

    I love reading your blog! I love seeing your beautiful pictures and stories. Love the flowers and especially enjoy your table settings! Love. Thank you

  2. Ann Woleben
    June 4, 2020 at 7:38 am

    Oh the joys and woes of gardening! I have been using the Liquid Fence deer and rabbit repellent and it works! At any time in our woodsy, residential neighborhood we could have up to five deer in our yard – eating our hydrangeas and hostas. I am happy to report that we no longer have that problem. I will look for the Liquid Fence squirrel repellent. Hopefully, that will deter them from other areas of our garden. I love wildlife, but I also love my plants.

  3. June 4, 2020 at 7:45 am

    Mary, I so understand your garden woes. We currently have Peter, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail all residing under our magnolia tree. The squirrels are running freely and digging and chewing. For several years we had few rabbits, but their population has exploded. They have told all their friends about the buffet at our house. I was in the garden one morning weeding, when out jumped a rabbit who had been munching on the dahlia leaves. Happy Gardening ♥️🦋🌺

  4. Lu Ann
    June 4, 2020 at 7:51 am

    Your gardening pictures are lovely. Your blog is a joy to read. Glad you the squirrels and bunnies are living happily

    • Clara
      June 4, 2020 at 11:14 am

      Mary, This year it seems the wildlife has doubled their efforts! I have used deer and bunny repellent & it is effective. I’ve also tried coffee grounds, egg shells & citrus peels. This is the first year so far that our hostas haven’t been pulvarized. Our garden pots were brutally attacked during the seeding process! I put a few orange peels during the establishment of the seeds & coffee grounds in them after they had grown some & so far so good. I also use fresh coffee grounds around the planters as the scent is stronger & the wildlife doesn’t like it on their bodies. I am so glad to know flex tape works! Thank you! Good luck with the wildlife! Clara♥️

      • Clara
        June 4, 2020 at 11:27 am

        P.S. Sorry got so involved in the wildlife battle I didn’t mention the obvious. Your garden is magnificent! It’s so beautiful! Always enjoy your posts! Clara♥️

      • June 4, 2020 at 3:06 pm

        Great tips about the citrus peels and coffee grounds Clars! Gardening does have it’s challenges. Thank you for your visits and sweet comment ♥

  5. Donna Olson
    June 4, 2020 at 7:57 am

    It is so peaceful in these times to see such beauty……thank you! We do battle with skunks!

  6. Karenann S.
    June 4, 2020 at 8:06 am

    Your garden is so beautiful. You are amazing with not only making a peaceful and gorgeous garden, but your respect and love for the animals and all wildlife truly warms my heart.

  7. Sue Ellen
    June 4, 2020 at 8:10 am

    Mary, you might want to try sprinkling hot pepper flakes or purchasing a liquid product sold for this purpose to keep the squirrels out of your window boxes. It has been found to help with squirrels raiding bird feeders. Apparently they don’t like spicy foods and birds don’t mind. I tried dried blood to keep bunnies away once and boy, did it backfire. A raccoon found it very appealing as did our dogs. It made a great place for them to roll and dig. I think any prey animal would be attracted. Like you, I am having success so far with Liquid Fence for deer. Never had a problem until this year. I guess it’s because I planted some of their very favorites, hydrangeas and hostas.

  8. Karen Cronan
    June 4, 2020 at 8:19 am

    Hi Mary,
    I too have had a rabbit or two that sneak under my fence into my back yard and dig around my boxwood shrubs. Every morning when I would let our dog out, I would see mulch all over my walkway. Here’s a suggestion that seems to have worked for me. I finally got a much needed haircut about a week ago. I asked my hairdresser if I could have the hair on the floor which was my own:) She swept it up and put it in a bag for me. That night, I sprinkled the hair all around the boxwood shrubs where they were digging. Since then, they have not disturbed that area at all. Apparently, they smell humans in the hair and stay away! I did hear that the scent wears off after it rains, but so far it has worked for me. I have a woodchuck living under my shed, so that is the next place I’m going to try it.

  9. Ana
    June 4, 2020 at 8:21 am

    This was a great post! Very amusing and I had a great laugh this morning enjoying the baby rabbits’ antics. I enjoy reading your blog! You have a beautiful and inspiring garden.

  10. June 4, 2020 at 8:22 am

    This is hilarious. I have the exact same thing. The squirrels have been swinging on what was an empty hanging basket. They ate all the birdseed I had put out. My husband reminded me the goal is to keep them away from the roof. Those bunnies. Yes we have tons of bunnies and our Bernese Mountain dogs are no threat or worry to the bunnies.
    Just started following you and so happy I did! xo laura in Colorado

  11. Kathy Menold
    June 4, 2020 at 8:27 am

    Mary, Just saw a bunny hopping along our fence where I have a variety of lilies planted. My little Yorkie mix also saw him and gave chase. Hopefully he and our cats will discourage the Rabbits and abundant Squirrels .I love my wildlife but when they start using my garden as their private buffet they are not welcome.
    As you have said our gardens are a place of peace and refuge during these stressful times. Please stay safe and well.

  12. Liz
    June 4, 2020 at 8:30 am

    Oh my those rabbits were really doing damage! I watched a rabbit bite off part of a rose bush and devour it. I was so shocked to see it eating on my rose plant. I shooed him away and didn’t notice any further activity. That’s funny about the fencing. I put that exact fencing up to protect my hostas because turkeys keep visiting and scratching around and making a mess of them. Anyway I noticed the birds, squirrels and chipmunks happily glided through it! I have squirrels visit frequently but I’ve never noticed them eating my plants. Looks like you’ve got quite a pile of them! That deer and rabbit repellent is good. Best of luck to you for the rest of the season! Your flowers are looking amazing!

  13. Mary
    June 4, 2020 at 8:50 am

    Hi Mary, Can you tell me about your window boxes? I want to purchase some for our new home, but don’t know what the advantages of plastic vs.wood etc? And what is a good resource to purchase them?

    • June 4, 2020 at 9:05 am

      Hi Mary, The came from Mine are currently out of stock but they have a large variety. Mine are UV resistant, vinyl/polyethylene (no worry about rot) and have 15 year warranty. I’ve been very happy with them. 🌺

  14. Michele
    June 4, 2020 at 9:24 am

    Love love love your blog posts! They make me happy in the morning when I am drinking coffee! Great way to start the day. Loved this post and feel so sorry for your battle with the animals. You need a fox! We have hardly any bunnies this year! Thank you for the links and do you get a small income from just using a link for any purchase from amazon? I was using a scrapbooking site but would use yours too if there was an easy link on your main page. Thank you for all you do.

  15. Shirley Graham
    June 4, 2020 at 9:29 am

    Enjoy you blog & pictures so much! I have a deck now & only have so much room but have planted my flowers & they are doing great. Haven’t had any problems with the squirrels yet but have had a wren jump into one pot to see if it looked good for a nest I guess. Love the wrens. Thank you & enjoy your summer!!

  16. Virginia
    June 4, 2020 at 9:30 am

    Good Morning Mary, thanks for the tid bits this morning. Thankfully we do not have a rabbit problem but there seem to be an over abundance of squirrels this year. My husband has been at war with them for years. We have two old pecan trees in the front yard and they have been excavating my gardens looking for nuts they stored away as well as helping themselves to bulbs. He has several have a heart traps which stay busy. My great aunt, Nell swore by blood meal and bone meal as fertilizers. Hope you have a good day, we have fair winds and a blue sky so we are going out sailing today, ⛵️

  17. June 4, 2020 at 9:30 am

    Loved your posting today and enjoyed all the comments so far too. So glad to read I am not the only one with with visitors to my garden. Great ideas to try too. Despite your visitors your gardens are amazing!

  18. June 4, 2020 at 9:35 am

    That was a fun post! Never had small creatures, just deer and while mowing I found the largest pile of scat I have never sceen, bear or mountain lion, or maybe a dinosaur, with fur, which means I’m now on the menu! Your shots are adorable, but I feel your pain, i find hoof prints in my freshly planted kitchen garden… You might try deer netting, very affective, small, invisible, can be buried to curtail digging. A friend sent me this video, as we all need joy in our lives and you do have the time and the acrobats on site….

    Ps check Marin and sac, inundated with new releases 📚 perfect to enjoy while guarding your garden 😉

    • June 4, 2020 at 3:04 pm

      Oh that video was hilarious…that’s the problem with squirrels, they’re way too smart and acrobatic! ♥

  19. June 4, 2020 at 9:45 am

    Great bunny captures with your camera Mary! I know it’s not fun to watch them help themselves to your bunny buffet and pesky squirrels are the worst! It sounds like you found some great products to use for defense, and so glad gardening is soothing your soul! Your Potting Shed is happily surrounded by an abundance of beautiful blooms!

  20. Diane Aurit
    June 4, 2020 at 9:57 am

    I also have a Certified Wildlife Garden and I have a lot of feeders for both birds and critters. This year we have more squirrels than ever! But, lots of birds and pollinators as well. I get a LOT of digging at night with plants trampled a bit so I am thinking that raccoons are making those deep, snout sized holes? Maybe the ones in your pots are also signs of raccoons or even possums? BTW, I also live in Lake Norman but across the street from the lake. It is so much fun having such a lively garden!

  21. June 4, 2020 at 10:20 am

    Oh, Mary! I laughed through your entire post…as we are definitely a wildlife habitat, also. However, I’m not anywhere as proficient at catching them in the act AND getting a photo…hence the laughter. I only use potato vine in pots—TALL pots. That of course doesn’t keep squirrels from tossing them on the ground (mothballs-helps with those). We had a war last year with something large burrowing under our porch, where we literally are pouring concrete on the entrance.(They always have multiple exits…and shoving mothballs in first. Since I haven’t found the mothballs out on the patio, I assume they have moved out. Loved your photos, and my extended belly laughs….Grins, Sandi

  22. Pat Parker
    June 4, 2020 at 10:32 am

    I too am fighting a battle with squirrels and voles. I have only 5 flowers on my viburnum this spring since the squirrels ate all the blossoms. I do not know what to do to repel them since the tree is about 8 feet tall. Spent over $50 to buy repellent for the voles. Does not seem to be helping much. I have sot seen bunnies so far. The deer like my neighbor’s yard better than mine although last year my Hosta was a salad bar for them. Always fighting Mother Nature. Good luck in tour battle.

  23. Cheryl King
    June 4, 2020 at 10:37 am

    At our house the squirrels are collectively named “Fatty McThief” because they’ve grown as big as cats eating all the lovely things…I haven’t found anything to keep them out of my fruit trees. Will try the liquid fence this year around the garden, which is already being enjoyed by the rabbits. I did have a small measure of success with the daylilies, however. I put up a border of solar lights that are set to flash. I used thin bamboo stakes, and put the lights at about chest-height for the deer. So far so good, I got 3 blooms in the last day and more to come if the temptation for the flowers doesn’t outweigh the fear of the flashing lights. I guess the neighbors laugh at our “deer disco”, but hopefully this is going to be the first time in years that I get to enjoy these flowers. The holes were too hard to dig in my rocky soil to just leave them for a deer buffet! It’s actually encouraging to see that even great gardeners like you are having the same problems as I do. I don’t have many gardening friends to commiserate with. Thanks for sharing!

  24. June 4, 2020 at 10:46 am

    Thanks for all your tips, Mary, on keeping the squirrels and bunnies away. I don’t even plant certain plants any more because the bunnies and squirrels eat them like salad! Happy gardening to you! 💕

  25. June 4, 2020 at 10:49 am

    Your husband is hilarious! Two good jokes in a row. I love your attitude with the bunnies. It’s frustrating but you can still appreciate them. I do know that coneflower is one of their absolute favorites. I had a friend who has a lot of bunnies and she has officially given up growing them. Now, as for squirrels, I have zero appreciation for them.

  26. Beverly Powell
    June 4, 2020 at 11:53 am

    Hi Mary! I feel your pain! I too have had a ‘Peter Rabbit’ in my gardens and he was becoming quite plump with the endless buffet! Sad for him but happily for me I was successful in catching him and he was quickly relocated to our neighborhood park several miles away. So far, he appears to have been the only diner and I have not had any more damage to my plantings….fingers crossed! We have tons of deer and I started using Plantskydd this year. In the spring I divided quite a few of my hostas and started a new garden outside my fenced area. I have only had a couple nibbled on and this might have been from the rabbit. I also use the ‘Liquid Fence’ but the Plantskydd comes also in a granular form and when watered in will give an undesirable taste to the animals. And we have had quite a bit of rain this year…. so not sure which is best, but its good to have a back up in case one of the products isn’t enough to keep them away! Love your posts and the shed is a dream!

  27. June 4, 2020 at 11:58 am

    Mary, I share your frustration! We don’t have buunnies here, but the war of the squirrels is a constant. They have destroyed our outdoor cushions more than once, eating through the protective covers as well. We need new cushions, but untill I have a storage solution, I’m not investing the $$$ again. They also rip up newly planted containers, scattering dirt and plants on the terrace stone. It’s as if they say, this is my property for hiding nuts, and you can’t invade my space. Yesterday, I looked out and saw that a squirrel was sitting right in the middle of a container full of beautiful impatiens. Now they are smashed, flattened, and likely won’t recover. They also dig up my bulbs, and have destroyed several Japanese Maple trees by stripping the bark. It’s a constant battle.

  28. Becky Meyer
    June 4, 2020 at 12:04 pm

    I feel your pain – I, too, have felt like Mr. MacGregor this year with bunnies actually nesting IN my vegetable garden (under the support for my husband’s weather station)! I have had good success with a dry product called Rabbit Scram that becomes even more potent after rain. The company also produces Scram for other animals, deer, dogs, cats, squirrel, etc. Love seeing the photos of your garden!

  29. franki parde
    June 4, 2020 at 12:24 pm

    I could have signed my name to your posting!! We not only have hundreds, yes, hundreds of squirrels on our property…counted 15 deer…one with twins and one was WHITE. I spray with “Repels All”..and it is disgusting but “helpful.” The downside of lakefront living & gardening. franki

  30. Deanah
    June 4, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    The flowers are beautiful and I understand the need for a escape; however I feel a sense of silence, denial and privilege with this post and the last tweet. My heart breaks because I feel like people are still afraid to acknowledge things that are painful and hurtful in this country in fear of distancing themselves or being human and not brand.

    • June 4, 2020 at 1:58 pm

      I’m sorry you perceive it that way. I’ve been blogging for 10 years and have always chosen to share the positive and pretty. Most of my readers enjoy the escape from the 24 hour news cycle of all that is wrong right now.

      • A quiet life
        June 5, 2020 at 9:31 am

        I agree, it’s nice to find calm in a sea of turbulence, I cry daily over the news, this is my one beautiful place online to experience joy, beauty and calm.

  31. Tiffany N.
    June 4, 2020 at 1:05 pm

    Thank you for putting a huge smile on my face today. Those creatures are adorable, but quite the little stinkers. Your garden is beautiful and your tips are very helpful. We have rabbits and squirrels, too. Be blessed and take care.

  32. Karen
    June 4, 2020 at 2:21 pm

    Looks beautiful in spite of the critters. I couldn’t help but laugh as reading it, but I know it’s far from funny to you.

  33. June 4, 2020 at 2:53 pm

    Ah, welcome to my world Mary!!! You know I’ve been kabitzing about the rabbits and squirrels for years… You know what I see when I look at them… A fur coat for Barbie:@) Keep up the good fight-good luck!

    • June 4, 2020 at 3:07 pm

      Too funny Lynn, you’re so bad! :) ♥

  34. Donna Milazzo
    June 4, 2020 at 2:58 pm

    Oh those bunnies! I feel for you. We live in a pretty densely populated suburb, but still battle them. At our last house, all the fences were wood and the little critters easily dug under and loved so many of my favorite plantings! I purchased a Hav-a-hart trap which worked over time. In about 3 years, I relocated about 25 of them to a nature trail nearby our house! New house has block walls, so I think the issues in the back yard at least will be minimal. Good luck!

  35. Grace
    June 4, 2020 at 3:09 pm

    We too had the bunnies this year. The little ones were so much fun to see play and jump. But earlier this past week, I saw a red fox lurking by an apple tree just after sun up. NO bunnies were visible. All at once, he went flying across the yard and into our neighbors’ yard and I thought this is the end of a bunny. Soon Mr. Fox trotted back across our yard, but had no bunny in his mouth. He disappeared into another neighbor’s trees. Sure enough, I haven’t seen any bunnies the rest of this week so I don’t know if he was the hunter or not!

    Thanks Mary for your lovely posts and sharing your property views with us. It is as though we are friends coming for a visit. You also inform us with what works and what doesn’t in your garden; the beauty in God’s creation is so uplifting and good for the soul!

    • June 4, 2020 at 3:15 pm

      Hi Grace, I don’t know whether to wish you a safe return of the bunnies to your garden or not 🐰🌺😀 Thanks so much for your visits and sweet comment❤️

  36. Rita C.
    June 4, 2020 at 3:41 pm

    Well, I laughed out loud at the bunny with leaf in his mouth, the one standing to check out the plant, and the one INSIDE the protective fence. However, these guys are no laughing matter. I’d be so MAD! It’s probably a good thing I don’t have a garden anymore….just another stressor on the list of things I cannot control. My girlfriend is battling squirrels eating her vinyl fence caps. And having them inside the house? War!
    I remember your flex tape and how well that worked for you. That’s a good product recommendation!

    • June 4, 2020 at 4:30 pm

      The bunnies are kinda funny Rita, you should have heard my *gasp* of surprise when I saw one inside my fence guard. :) I’d rather battle the bunnies any day than go to war with the squirrels. They’re just too destructive to structures inside and out.

  37. Cyndi Raines
    June 4, 2020 at 5:54 pm

    Love your beautiful garden! How patient you are with Peter and his friends. The one inside the fence was too cute, along with tthe one with the leaf in his mouth. They aren’t shy. We haven’t seen many bunnies in our yard this year, which is unusual as we usually have our share. Now squirrels, that’s another story, but Buddy sends them on a chase very chance he gets, lol. Thank you for the lovely respite and yes, it is wonderful to take a break from the endless bad news. 😙⚘🦋🐝♥️ (I think I need another piece of that wonderful lemon tart!😁)

  38. Chris Wells
    June 4, 2020 at 6:20 pm

    Well those puppies are just not doing their job! 😂. I have a new rescue terrier who believes his entire mission in life is to keep the squirrels in the trees! I do know squirrels can be very destructive and living in the country I think the only reason we have never had a problem is because we have massive pecan trees and live oak. They have plenty to eat and I also set up feeding stations of corn for them in the summer. Now your bunnies are just too sweet! I miss those lovely little cotton tails. We lost all of ours during the drought years 2010-2012. They have not made much of a comeback since. My nemesis was the armadillo!

  39. Pamela
    June 4, 2020 at 7:23 pm

    I’m sorry but you made me laugh! We have them too and I was wondering what was happening to all the while Alba begonia cuttings I started when I saw the bunny hop right into my potting area for his dinner! I had a cousin who wrote each summer sharing her was with them and what she was trying to repel them the 3rd year I got a letter and all it said was “I bought a BB gun”

  40. June 4, 2020 at 9:40 pm

    So glad to hear I am not the only one with an unintended nature preserve. No bunnies, but everything else is here including the raccoons that ripped my porch screens, the opossum that attacked the cat for her food (she may never recover mentally). She likes to have her babies under my hedge.They look like rats. There are the bees making holes in the ground. I am not sure what is hiding on the porch eating the cat’s food. For creepy crawly things I put chopped garlic in the holes and they relocate. The hawk comes every year. When I moved here, I fed the birds under a tree until the hawk snatched one and it’s partner and I cried for an hour.The bird seed also brought a ton of squirrels. All I have for wildlife is the birdbath now. I don’t think I want a sign because the wildlife already think this is a bed and breakfast.

  41. Sue
    June 4, 2020 at 10:00 pm

    You not only made me smile, I was laughing out loud! thank you so much!!

  42. Sheree
    June 4, 2020 at 11:38 pm

    Boy, do I feel your pain! We live in a heavily wooded area and we have every creature known to man it seems. Our front is landscaped with everything deer-resistant, and a large portion of the back is fenced in. It still takes a lot effort to have plants and flowers. I don’t like using red pepper for the squirrels so tried chili powder and it works fine too. After a few times, it seems they lost interest. Use deer off and liquid fence but you have to keep at it. After three years, I have yet to see my vanilla/strawberry hydrangea bloom (inside fenced area) so we used mesh to fence it in this spring. So far, so good. Mesh works really well but you have to keep a watch out for bunnies and snakes getting hung up in it. Always something, but I love it! The wildlife was here way before we were and we get a lot of enjoyment from it. Good luck to you!

  43. Shelley
    June 5, 2020 at 12:30 am

    Mary I had to laugh and laugh at this post because of course I am having the same problem. Squirrels digging up my plants and then the bunnies. 10 days ago we had a wild squirrel riot all day in our yard. It was the strangest thing, they were absolutely crazy, chattering and chasing each other. At one point we counted 15 just in the back yard. The next day they must of all been hung over because we saw hardly a one.
    Then there are the sweet baby bunnies. One loves to keep coming up on our deck to say hello but they keep eating the non negotiables! My Hosta’s have been buzzed the brand new blood wort sawed down to nubs, Phlox you name it nothing is sacred. I am using the repellent and just keep reapplying I think it is helping. Good luck we need it.

  44. Judy
    June 5, 2020 at 11:04 am

    Any hints for poison ivy growing in flower beds? Also, how to get rid, kindly, of a woodchuck living under my deck! Thanks a bunch!

  45. Linda
    June 5, 2020 at 12:14 pm

    My mother says that tying string around the perimeter of her vegetable garden keeps the bunnies out. They could go under or over it but for some reason they don’t. I have not tried this myself and it might not be too sightly but she says after awhile the string can be removed and they seem to stay away. Its worth a try but if they’re living underneath your shed your tasty plants might be too close of a temptation. The slugs have been bad in Oregon this year and now trying to find slug bait is like trying to find toilet paper. Luckily there are other remedies. I have a war with moles. They chewed through my transformer a couple of years ago and caused a lot of damage to my electronics in my house which cost us a lot of $. Of course the power company and insurance company would not cover anything. Its Caddy Shack at my house……lol. Like you Mary I still enjoy my gardening and wildlife (well, maybe not moles) and am grateful that I have that in my life. Good luck with your bunny and squirrel ventures.

    • June 5, 2020 at 10:21 pm

      Have you ever put moth balls in the tunnels ?

  46. Linda
    June 5, 2020 at 1:12 pm

    I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t escape to my garden and nature now and then. I’m not trying to escape reality…just take a break so I can deal with what’s going on in the world. The only time I might get a little stressed about one of your blogs Mary is when I don’t have time to read one….I enjoy them so much!!!! Everyone needs a reprieve from the spin cycle once in awhile….everyone.

  47. Theresa R Keller
    June 5, 2020 at 2:19 pm

    Mary, what a great post, the pictures made me smile :) we have a bumper crop of squirrels this year, not many rabbits but lots of deer too! And i am less than a mile from the mall! Urban living with the creatures :)
    Thank you and I hope you have a nice weekend!

  48. June 5, 2020 at 5:02 pm

    Thankfully, I don’t have bunnies. I have oodles of squirrels but they don’t dig up my stuff. They have stolen batting out of pillows to make nests but thats about it.

  49. Bonnie Morgan
    June 6, 2020 at 3:31 pm

    Mary, I have issues with squirrels, too! They dig up bulbs I plant and the baby one eats my potato vine. I thought we had the perfect solution to keeping them out of my bird feeder until they had babies. The squirrel proof feeder does work for adults but the babies are light weight enough that they get on the end stretch their neck around and eat the birdseed. And as they are feasting they knock more seed on the ground for the other squirrels.
    I will try the bone meal as a deterrent. Red pepper worked for a short time.
    Thanks also for the tip on Flex Tape.

  50. Debra Matcovich
    June 8, 2020 at 8:14 pm

    I’ll trade all the squirrels and bunnies for the chipmunks I have running wild. I’m again having my raised patio picked up and put back together for the third time, On bad advise a few years ago I put moth balls out. The areas smelled like old closets for six months. I just used this granule product to deter them. It didn’t work. Still looking for a solution.

  51. Iris
    June 8, 2020 at 10:57 pm

    I’m happy that I am not alone battling these issues. My current home has squirrels and lots of chipmunks which are even worse than the squirrels. They have tunneled under a brick patio in several areas and the bricks have raised up far enough to trip you. To get to the one or two bricks you have to pull out half a dozen bricks, try to close their tunnels with new dirt and work bricks back in and level and fill with sand. The chipmunks gnaw the patio furniture covers and the squirrels dig up bulbs and the base of anything that it gets near. To top it all we a late freeze the caused a lot of new foliage that was out to turn brown and curl up/ I look around and wonder why do I enjoy gardening. I feel sorry for anyone with groundhogs, my sister has a groundhog under her house and they are the worst! Good luck to everyone .

  52. June 10, 2020 at 6:57 am

    Wow, what a brilliant idea it is to grow and certify my garden as a natural habitat. It takes a lot more than perseverance and hard work to make the garden outgrow our efforts. You’ve set a great example of how to create sustainable habitat to help nurture wildlife in your backyard!

  53. June 10, 2020 at 7:47 am

    This must be the year of the rabbit. I’ve never seen so many in our area of Florida, all my friends are complaining about them. Critters can be cute but they can also create big problems. One thing though, you still have a beautiful garden.

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